Our LEadership
As you consider investing your heart, time, family, and finances into the life of a church, it is essential for you to feel confident in church leadership. Our goal in sharing the details of Life Church’s government is that you can better understand that our church is structured to support the values of integrity, accountability, and spiritual authority. Our church government consists of three groups.
The Pastoral Staff team is led by the Senior Pastor, Brad Sheats. This team oversees the day-to-day ministry and operations of the church. Staff pastors serve the congregation and are responsible for developing the spiritual life of the church. The Senior Pastor Leadership Team members serve as Staff.
Our Trustees and Deacons are members of the congregation appointed by the Senior Pastor. New members are ratified by the existing board. The Trustees oversee the finances and counsel the Leadership Team regarding the significant financial commitments of the church. The Deacons assist in pastoral care and leadership of our church family.
The Overseers are four pastors of respected congregations and ministries who love Life Church and its Senior Pastor. They provide spiritual protection to the church. The Overseers may be called upon to help in accountability matters relating to the Senior Pastor if requested by the Pastoral Staff or Trustees.

Pastor Brad and Earon Sheats dreamed of planting a church with a simple goal—to help people connect with God and impact a community. With the help of the initial launch team of roughly 30 people committed to seeing this dream become a reality, Life Church held its first service on August 28, 2011. Over 175 people attended the first service at the Carmike Movie Theater in Cullman, Alabama.
Life Church's unique approach, centered on the life-giving message of the Gospel, the passion and joy of Sunday services, and the simplicity of its style, has been a key factor in its growth. Since its inception, the church has been dedicated to reaching those who do not know God personally and fostering relationships through Life Groups. This approach led to immediate growth, and in August 2014, Life Church Hartselle Campus was launched.
Today, Life Church has grown to include hundreds of people across two campuses, and the vision to launch a third campus is a testament to our commitment and passion. We invite you to join us and experience the excitement of a church where the focus is simple and people are free to seek God passionately.
"Those who are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God." Psalm 92:13 NKJV